Daniel Sachau, Ph.D, Professor

Address: 332A Wiecking Center
Phone: 507-389-5829
Email: daniel.sachau@mnsu.edu


  • Ph.D., Psychology, University of Utah, 1990

Areas of Interest

  • Social Psychology

Research Interests

  • Job Satisfaction
  • Employee Motivation
  • Self-presentationa strategies
  • Sport psychology

Courses Taught

  • Psyc 618 Multivariate Statistics
  • Psyc 405/505 Motivation
  • Psyc 662 Organization Development
  • Psyc 461/561 Marketing Psychology
  • Psyc 440/540 Social Psychology

Current Research

  • Stark, E. & Sachau, D. (2016). Lake Wobegon's Guns: Overestimating our gun related competencies. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 4(1), 8-23.
  • Sachau, D., Courtney, C.L., Olson, D., Nolan, J., & Fee, S. (2014). Service-learning in developing nations. In W. Reichmann (Ed.) Industiral and Organizational Psychology Help the Vulnerable: Serving the Underserved (227-240). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Andrews, L., Klein, S., Forsman, J., & Sachau, D., (2013). It's easy being green: Benefits of technology-enabled work. In Huffman, A., and Klein, S. (Eds) Green Organization Driving Change with IO Psychology (149-169). New York: Psychology Press/Routledge.
  • Sachau, D., Andrews, L., Gibson, B., & DeNeui, D. (2009). Tournament validity: Testing player competence. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 12(1),52-69.
  • Sachau, D. (2007). Resurrecting the motivation-hygiene theory: Herzberg and the positive psychology movement. Human Resource Development Review, 6(4), 377-393.
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